Wednesday, February 2, 2011

You Can "Take It Easy"- with Art from Veer!

It's funny that the illustrations I used for my new header, twitter badge and for my shops on Etsy and Artfire, came from an artist on Veer called "TAKEITEASY ART"! I had decided to do just that- make it easier to design my new look by purchasing what I wanted. I love a challenge but I also fell in love with this artists' work! Since I believe in 'paying it forward', I thought I'd share my not-so-secret secret. And I know you'll love me for letting you know you can get 10 free credits when you open your new account. I had already spent mine on my other shop banner but I loved the service and went back for more.

So, anyway, for a just a few dollars, I got instant gratification! Well, maybe not so instant... I still had to fight the urge to throw my computer against a wall when I did the layout work! I'm so NOT a web designer. But I love the result and it turned out to be just what I wanted: Colorful, chic, lovely, and~ totally ME!

(Well, me and TAKEITEASY ART!)

floral house

fairy girl

Of course, you know I loved the floral cat!


  1. Waaaa....this is so beautiful!
    For now I am poor and I have to live with things made by me or some super nice friend but one day! Hahaha :D
    Congrats on the new look!

  2. Thank you so much, Tirabaralla! Believe it or not, the images I used were only $2 each! They can run much more, like the 'fairy girl' is $30, but the choices are amazing! Getty and IStock are much higher on average.

  3. Love your blog Cat!!! I'm your new follower. Here's my blog. Would love to have new followers.

  4. Meow! First time visiting, I love your blog design! Thanks for the veer tip, must go check them out. And off to explore your blog...



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